Wednesday, September 24, 2008

+.::.+ cryptic +.::.+

esok dah nak balik.
semalam sesuatu berlaku.

emosi cam terumbang-ambing.
kepala cam serabut.

doakan segalanya okay.

hadapi dengan senyuman, jennyto!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

+.::.+ tag pt 1 +.::.+

Stat wat tag slow-slow.
Tag dari alongness cam pendek and senang (kot!)

State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.

Emmm..I dont think I'm weird enough to have enough weird facts. lol.
This is gonna be hard.


perasan normal plaaaaaaaks.

1. i love the colour orange.
i bet u already know this hence the colour of betty.

2. i love british bands, british music, their accent and all.
sadly diri ini speaking hanchurrrr dah jadi cam orang indon cakap aderlaaaaaa...

3. i love stars.
u know that already jugak kot.

aaaaaaaah aperni. sume pon cam org tahu. lol.

stat balek.

1. i listen to FlyFm Pagi Show during my hols in Malaysia.
i totally love them, they rocked my mornings!!

2. i'm a cicir-person.
sangat suka tercicir barang. tapi skang cam dah okay kot.
3. i am addicted to the net.
who doesn't? right?

but my housies prove they can go on days without the net.
gilaaaaaak ah korang.

4. i am sensitive about friendship.
i am.

and i'm glad i have my friends for dat. (spactees speshly. luvluv!)

and girls who separate a guy from their friends are purely an ___________.
(xde kene mengena, tapi nak tulis gak)

5. i am a early sleeper/morning person.
i love waking up in the morning, when no one else isn't.
i hate/can't stay up TILL morning and that will threw me off my balance, or my circadian rhythm.

6. i love grey's anatomy.
i do. i know most of people do too, but i am crazy about the quotes from the show, and i have this tak-logik-punye fantasy of being a damn competent yet bergaya doctor, due to the awesome obgyn doc, Dr Addison Montgomery. and yet somehow sometimes I can reflect Meredith Grey complicated mind to mine.

7. i sometimes wish i could be bolder.

I look up to alongness and dinienaa for their capability of expressing themselves well.

8. i hate crowded place.
no matter betapa sale nye kedai tuh.

no matter how menareknya stuff in there.

i rather shop somehow comfortable.

saye tak diajar pegi ke crowded place. kan long?

9. my bedcover have 5 colours!! bet you don't know dat aaaaaite?!

10. i once dream of Shah Rukh Khan and 911, serentak.
Remember british boyband 911 who bought us bodyshakin' and The Day We Found Love?
I am craaaaazeee bout them once, especially the lead singer, Lee Anthony Brennan!

So tak kisah la if they appear in my dream, tapi SRK?

Like, hello?

Oh. maybe time tu tengah syok kat Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.

11. I wore bracelets everyday. and wore them ber-matching-matching ngan baju. tee-hee.

if i forgot to wear them, i feel kurang complete. serabut ah pokoknya.

12. I hate drawing a straight line.
cause its hard for me to get one.
during standard one back in SKPA, my teacher once said to me,

Zainab ni, kalo gune pembaris pun tak stret gak

time SPM I sweated in Modern Maths Paper during drawing the segi-segi thingy.

13. I love to take pictures of foods. berjuta-juta makanan dan minuman dah ditangkap.

masak je belum reti!!!!!~
my friends say im weird that way.
I dont think so.

14.I think about food 5 times a day.

15. I have to spend 5 days making this entry as I was so damn normal.

dah. setel. lol.

Monday, September 22, 2008

+.::.+ eheh +.::.+

dah nak balik?


DAH NAK BALIK!!!!!!!!!


can't wait!

3 days to go!

Friday, September 19, 2008

+.::.+ bathing ape? no! princess! +.::.+


diambang jennyto feeling that she dont want to study anymore and just go back to Malaysia.
and when jennyto thinks she got so much to blogs about her current activities and fab iftars that she went,

korang men'tag' her sesedap rase.
korang :
aimi chomeyl.
alongnessh luv!

sesesdap putri mandi yang telah kupelajari.

haha. ape kate blaja dulu camne nk wat puteri mandi ni..

dari mentag-tag kan..?

antara bahan-bahan yang diperlukan adalah :
-tepung pulut.
-gula melaka
-isi kelapa
-pisang (optional)

uli tepung pulut dengan air.

jadikan bentuk hemoglobin dengan menekan ditengah.

kitorang ngade-ngade warnakan hehe!

lepas tu rebus sampai die timbul-timbul..angkat!

masukkan dalam kuah yang berisi gula melaka dan isi kelapa , tambah pandan dan pisang kalo mahu.

a bathing princess!!!

saye masih busy. haha.
makalah niiiiiii geram tol.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

+.::.+ lubang ade gula! +.::.+

maaf menyepi. setelah exam, saya menjadi sibuk teramat.
tak perlu kot saya cerita kan lagi.
kerana saya masih dilanda kesibukan.
tapi saya sempat mempelajari beberapa cara untuk membuat kuih tradisional!!

atau ayah saya kate, "kuih lubang ada gula!"
saya sangat suka kuih ini.

mula-mula lenyekkan ubi keledek.

pastu tambah tepung secukup rasa.
lenyek-lenyek lagi.

lepas tu jadikan bentuk gelang.
bukan tayar.

lepas tu masukkan dalam kuali yang berisi minyak panas.
camni ghupoeeh.

da goreng tu. amik gula pasir. panaskan kuali. make sure api kecik.

slow-slow kaco sampai ciar.

pastu lotak yo kek kuih tadi...

kuih yang sedap!!!

p/s lepas ni jom belajar wat putri mandi plaks!!
p/s/s- yg tag2 tuh nnti-nnti yer hehe....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

+.::.+ pening, tapi inilah. +.::.+

sedang meminta pertolongan dari teman.
tapi beliau pun x berjaye :p
ha, nak zoom in lah tu hehehe.

dah setat dah...
whenever jennyto rase nak lepas geram,
ha mule lah memblog tiap-tiap hari dengan maju jayanyaaa!!

the initiative to change the skin da lamer bersarang di hati jennyto ini.
but i just could find the time to duduk and layan mengedit all those codings..



inilah hasilnya.
actually right and left content ini adalah kaler oren macho!
die punye width cam cacat.
x inline with the header picture.

so jennyto mengambil keputusan menghitamkan semua!!
setelah 2+1 jam mencoba!
(2 jam semalam, 1jam arini)

ade sape2 nak tolong with the codings??

+.::.+ end of GUS(minus G&S) +.::.+

wif alongness.

anyone familiar with this quote??

the night is darkest before the dawn

yup you guess it right.
from the oh-so-kewl-yet-psychotic-in-some-way-but-overall-awesome movie,
the dark knight.

i am glad that exam is over.
i am so glad because i thought than i could focus on the emotional-problem im facing now.

or so i thought.
i thought that the exam was the darkest hour.
apsal cam tak dawn-dawn lagih neeeeeeh.


ade hikmahnye tu kot.
(ecece bulan puasa ni sile latih diri untuk menjadi lebih positive dan baik!)

tadi sempat tertengok siaran lansung konsert Ungu + ceramah agama
(gle kewl kan? lol.)
dan sempat mendengar Uztaz di tv tu berkate,
kita ni diberi empat kenikmatan, walaupun sedang melakukan kejahatan sekalipun.
1) Allah SWT tidak menutup pintu rezeki kita.
2) Allah SWT memberikan kita kesihatan.

2 lagi ade orang distract hehe.
memang dasar jennyto nih...!

tapi tulah. ingat-ingatkan diri sendiri ni..jangan lalai sangat.
jangan lalai ngan emosi.

kata Uztaz tu lagi, dalam pada waktu sihat ni lah semoga terketok (seriously he said that on national tv) kesedaran dan perbaiki diri.

fikir-fikir...diri ni memang selalu lalai...
sedang cuba memperbaiki sesuatu...
tapi agak payah...
macamane ni.....

ps-gambar di atas sebab saye rindukan die. alongkuh.. :) bukan sebab die batman. hehe.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

+.::.+ sahur? +.::.+

i'm having my block exam this weekend so i'll be a bit busy.
here's something-something *ideas lah kununnye* for sahur!!


u see, u can also roll the bread instead just flipping it.
u can also improve the filling by adding onions and other stuff.

you can enjoy hello panda like i did. (",)

good luck to all batch 06 USU!! :)

Saturday, September 06, 2008

+.::.+ from the sidelines +.::.+

as usual last night, my housies yang dah gian maen futsal berjaye mengumpul 11 orang untuk bermaen selama satu jam.
as my right foot was still recovering from the crash, i have to exclude myself out. tapi naaaaaaak jugak lah kan pegi.
semangat support orang len! haha!

wanita-wanita batch 06 di court Bali Futsal.

bersama top scorer of the night, AMY!!!

duduk je kat tepi tu memang sonok tgk je diorang ni maen, sambil ditemani Hani yang memang datang tengok/menemani Wani besau*. hehe.

tapi when i think about it, korang penah tgk hidup krang dari tepi tak?
kalo kite tengok bola dari tepi, mesti macam-macam kite kan cakap kan.
" Ape ah ronaldo tuhhhh. demmmmm. "
" Die men tak semangat ah! Macam hambar je harini "
" Kalo aku tengok confirm menang MU "
eh ayat ketiga takde bermaksud ape-ape.

anyway, agak-agak ape yang korang akan cakap kalo korang observe life korang from the sidelines?

i know what i'll say,
" jenn terlalu banyak buang mase ah skrang "
" apsal die banyak tdo sangat skang "
" aihhhhhhh yang die gi wat camtu watpe!!! "

i nearly posted an emotional entry tapi pikir-pikir balik, wuteff nak beremo-emo kene bagitahu seluruh dunia? me lah. kalo orang len nak bgtahu i x kesah. :D
i'm trying to heal both superficial and deeper wounds.

"O ye who believe! persevere in patience and constancy: vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear Allah; that ye may prosper."
(Qur'an 3:200)

*-sebab ade dua wani, satu tu wani kecik..hehe..

Thursday, September 04, 2008

+.::.+ haha! +.::.+

i don't care.
mesti korang da muak dgr cite pasal Betty je.
tapi semalam adalah hari bersejarah untuk Betty.
hari semalam adalah hari Betty secara officialnya salah satu kendaraan* yang teregistrasi di Medan!!

Betty yang dulu.
BK (pronounced BEAR-KA) Merah/Putih yang diiringi STCK (pronounced ES-TEA-CHEA-KA) which stands for Surat Tanda Coba Kendaraan.

so, macam Betty still dalam percubaan.

BUT not anymore...


Betty yang skrang.
the official 'BK', together with it is the STNK (es-tea-en-ka) which stands for Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan.

bulan puase ni biaselah.
even if its not the fasting month pon jennyto could be wishing so many food,
apetah lagi sekarang,

am i right or am i right? (",)
jennyto would love anyone who could give her :


apart from that, Ramadhan makes me miss people more. huhu dont know why. maybe faktor berpuasa di perantauan? hehe gile poyo ayat.

spactees : i miss the 'buka-buka-puasa' we did during matrix years!!
*i think it was ciwo who took this pic!

and oh how i miss my parents!
(and the foods infrontof them too!)

membeli-belah di pasar Ramadhan tak hengat dunia karna uangnya gak perlu dipikirin!!

speaking of parents, here is an ayah from the Qur'an relating to them , to remind us to do good to them;

"And remember We took a covenant from the Children of Israel (to this effect): Worship none but Allah. treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity. Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye backslide (even now). "
( Qur'an 2 : 83 )

* - i didn't misspelled it. here memang kenderaan tu kendaraan.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

+.::.+ more on Betty! +.::.+

ye. saye rajenn memblog skrang.



semalam i had one of my firsts.


it was after the futsal game(which is after terawih), i was sending Shaza back to her home.
Liza, being a thoughtful friend (alongside wif Umie) volunteered to follow us from behind.
yela da malam-malam ni bahaye lak anak dara cun naek Betty yang cun balik sorang-sorang.

After dropping off Shaza infront of her house di jalan yang sempit, packed with houses kiri-kanan. Lubang tapayah nak kire.
Tapi. itu sume bukan sebabnya.

Sebabnya adalah saye cube untuk membuat satu U-turn di sebuah rumah yang agak landai lantainya dan tah bagaimana Betty menjadi tidak stabil dan tangan saya tersepit dan tak buleh brek dan terpress minyak dan terseret SHIKIT.


u can call me Jennyto-the-limping-foot-girl.

Betty dah reached her 500km today (nearly!) and i already sent her for her scheduled service.
Tempang-tempang pon buleh bawak moto hape!!

kaki saye berdarah di pergelangan kaki dan di patella.
Lebam dan bengkak di lima tempat.

Betty suffered minor scratch. sayangnyaaaaaaaaaaaa. :(


Macam mangsa dera, along kate.

Since it is Ramadhan now, i would like to accompany my posts from now on with an ayat from the Qur'an.
" Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgement (between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home ) during that month should spend it in fasting, .."
Quran 2:185

Happy fasting..jangan monteng-monteng kalo tak ABC*!
Mari membace al-Quran!

*-Allah Beri Cuti. I picked up this abbreviation from a friend back in MCIIUM. hehe.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

+.::.+ of Betty & McD +.::.+

so how's everyone on the 1st day of Ramadhan?
alhamdulillah i'm okay yesterday.
hari ni cam k.o sket.
anyway. dats another story.
yesterday was what i want to talk about.

My Betty had a flat tyre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no thanx to acara merempit-di-malam-Merdeka.

the culprit.
sian Betty immobilized.
pak, bisa tempel kan ban ini??

that night/morning it was Dalila's birthday, we celebrate it moderately at home and proceed to the 24-hour-newly opened McD @ Tasbi!!!!
lebeh kurang sahur ke?

farah & liza di McD di awal pagi!

makan..jangan x makan...


it was a nice night/morning out and eat with the whole housies!!
luv u guys!!
selamat berpuasa!!

Monday, September 01, 2008

+.::.+ of fasting +.::.+

as kununnya a last day before the fasting month, we all went mergang* to Grand Angkasa, a five star hotel (woot!) untuk bermakan-makan sehingga kenyang tak hengat.

no lah.

actually it was a sign of thankfulness to coaches of BleuBitz team.
remember the Piala Konjen winners? :p
( Syaf + Afiq + Amir )

sadly we are not joined by the awesome keeper, Nad, strikers Pooh + Ahya.
( diorang busy preparing untuk berpuase kot )

I break my pantang-rule and pegi minum air sejuk & ice-cream!!!
suddenly feel my sinusitis meneruk kembali dengan pantasnya.

Sayang kat my housemates sebab suddenly diorang cancel nak pegi shopping di MedanMall and balik terus...
(tapaya balik sendiri and mengharungi habuk Medan, yeay! )

I ate 2 own-serving of Fettucini Carbonara!!!
( and all other stuff pun, tanak list nanti nampak banyak sgt makan hehe )

Happy Fasting y'all!!
Banyak2an beribadah!!
( termasuk diriku juge!!)

* mergang - achik says this word means 'makan banyak2 before puase'