Wednesday, May 14, 2008

+.::.+ hands on deck +.::.+

happy sweet 21 dayah & wawa!!
wuwu rase tua!!~

oh well.
hasrat hati memang nak menulis.
but time is golden :p
and i just cant find the time to upload the pixx that should accompany my entry.

so finally, here i am.
mencuri-curi masa between classes.
it's been a tiring week.
a tiring emotional week.
but somehow, alhamdulillah i am fine.
with powers, came great responsibilities aite??
(somehow still caught up with all the superheroes kinda thing)

i've recently been asked to be in the PKPMI (thats Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar-Pelajar Malaysia di Indonesia) Pusat (konon cam HQ lah) mainboard.
Macam xnak. Tapi since the YDP (and ex-YDP) berbincang panjang....


Ya Allah, semoga aku menjalankan tugasku dengan baik, dan tidak mensia-siakan peluang yang ada, dan semoga pelajaranku tidak terabai. Sesungguhnya Engkau yang Maha Mengetahui.

selepas itu, the Malaysia Charity Work Project yang sudah di RE-schedule, terpaksa di RE-schedule kan balik. Since somehow the DINKES (Dinas Kesehatan) wants to interfere and secare tak lansung, USU needs to involved. The small project just got bigger.

USU students, you know where to read more about it. click here.

Other than that, my super-gile-sports housemate somehow talked me into joining their team,
this time, FUTSAL team plaks. Diorang ni memang hebat dalma segale acara sukan rasenye. You name it, diorang memang leh maen. Volley, netball, badminton, bowling, ape2 je lah. Now..futsal...!

my 1st ever jersey!!!

With help from Syaf (head coach) and Amir and Afiq, kitorang pun practice lah bagai nak rak.

practice kat depan admin for 4 consecutive days before the tournament.

And tak sia-sia pun.

Coz on Sunday, on the 'Piala Konjen' day.....

Bleu Bitz beraksi!!

the Bleu Bitz lead the league!!!

See you in Final this weekend!!!


Along said...


ade jesi with ur name on it!!

(ye aa, xkan nk letak nama seniri kat jesi org len lak kannnnn??)

now i know where did my PPG towel hilang.

soleil m said...

jennyto! congrats for being in that PKPMI thingy
aktipnya bepersatuan! ;D

it's jenn. said...

along : alamak. heh. :p halal kan towel mu tuh k..itu mcm konon bwk semangat along ke sini aa.. :D

kuki : thxes? huhu..hope boleh bwak pun tgh terumbang ambing neh..

Anonymous said...

gudlak in ur PKPMI..

jennyto maen futsaloo
amcam finale?