Monday, March 17, 2008

+.::.+ someday +.::.+

wif syairah, AMY, n emma!

last weekend saw me filling up my saturday with classes and labs,
and washing the new house.

sangat tak sabar nak pindah, but at the same time, i really haven't got time to pack, or to move out.
especially when i dont have a transport of my own, i seem to waste lots of time(and monay) waiting for them.
and develop a special kind of headache everytime i need to use them.
oh god, please. let me have my own mode of transportation.

but of course, He knows better.

and on Sunday, haf to wake up early in the morning,

as there was the RJPO & T seminar.

RJPO & T? Resusitasi Jantung Paru Otak & Traumatologi.

it was organized by the TBMers, *Tim Bantuan Medis* of FK USU,
which includes learning to give CPR for both adult & infant,

how to perform intubation, and learning to do various types of bandages, and also splinting,

which is included in the Basic Life Support thingy.

copek2..idup la ekau..

For the bandaging and splinting, it is like a revision for us, as the syllabus was in the Dermatomusculoskeletal Block, which made me depressed after answering the written paper. aha.

wif fello TBMer, aiii!~

For the CPR and intubation thingy, is a kewl thing to know, and it is even more kewl that there is a country that made it compulsory for each of it citizen to know the Basic Life Support. i actually forget which country it is. hehe.

certificate! duh!

ps- i wanted to post more pixx, but s usual...huuh....


Along said...

sooo..hidup tak patung tuh?

*trying to ignore the bigger issue*

hang on,sis!

Anonymous said...

here's fingers crossed so that u'll get your new pink scooter! ;)

Rinie said...

kena cium baru idup..


it's jenn. said...

along & dins : uu..thxses!~ am holding on..

along & rins : patung kalo dicium skalipun x penting utk praktis supaye org len dpt hidup..insyaAllah!~

Abdullah Zainal Abidin said...

Mantap! Banyak updates. And oh nanti ajar eh CPR, :P. Thanks cousin mousin! Teruskan usaha :)

Rinie said...

ooo mesti x pnah tgk cte pinnochio.

isk anda sgt la tidak romantis.

Along said...

OMG rinie!

ur romantic toooo???

why laaaaaaaaaa u can't be at least my age (or older)?

all d good guys are either taken..or younger.

it's jenn. said...

abdullah : hehs. c d leg a. nnti i'll teach u k.

rinie : romantis? belum masernye.

along : sheesh. hehe.