Sunday, March 25, 2007

+.::.+ hapdate jek +.::.+

150g Cadbury’s crafted chocolate with almond centers

180g Cadbury’s Almond Nuts

200g Toblerone

200g Cadbury’s Black forest chocolate bar

200g Hello Panda biscuits

300g Ferero Rocher

In heaven am I? SO NOT. Not when these things are given by someone that you barely know. Yes En. N did it again. But somehow I promise that I would never ever take anything from him, and this is the last one. Please. I can’t take it anymore, I don’t want to give any hope or what to you, but I don’t want to hate you either.

Ugh. What to do? I can’t simply return all these things. He can’t eat these things, he’s in a condition where he can’t eat to much glucose. HUH.

Whatever. Tried to explain to him so many times tapi he won’t listen. Or die tak paham bahasa Malaysia saye yang teruk neh. Berbau-bau indon sudah bahasa Malaysia ku…

My exam are drawing near and my studies cam ‘rocky’ these two weeks…gitulah…kurang focus sket…Well I hope dapat A lah kali ni…nak strive gilenye. (tah dari bile azam macam tu..tapi same je perangai)

Rindu nak balik mesia bertambah-tambah this week lagi-lagi asek teringat kuetiaw kungfu (aritu tomyam, arini len laa plak) yang slalu menjadi dinner di Mahallah Maryam bersama Dinie,Pika, Shera ngan Ana. (Diorang neh tengah exam...good luck fwens!!)

Macam tak banyak nak corat coret kali ney. Just nak kasi tau I’m alive lagik...heheh coz entry lepas ney lepas exam kot...2/4...eight days after that dah hari yang ditunggu2~ bila april...

Uhuh..bila april…tibe teringat kerja yang due bulan 5….waaa…minit mesyuarat PKPMI-CM tak bwat lagi!!!! Mati kene bunuh ngan Bro. Kash.

That’s it.

~signing off~ …hehee…

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'" -The Empire Strikes Back.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

+.::.+ smilezz +.::.+

Once I read in a magazine, Oprah quote, “in times of down, list the things that make you happy”. I’m not down, just…so-so mood.60% of the time I became the bitter-jenn. The sweet side of me? So what had made me smile this week…

Keluar jalan-jalan wif Yana n Siti…had dinner kat Solaria(1st time kat dis cutesy restaurant)-“tempat best tuk ngedate,” along wud say. Then went shopping for makanan 4 makan malam2 di veranda. Yes, you can call me one of the ‘beranda’ girls now. Haha.

Besday umie!!! Happy besday umie!! 16 mac!! tepon2 d nite before..gayut ngan umie!! =)

KeQ messaged. “Dapatkan A tau!” I’m motivated the whole day.(and sengeh d whole day oso) Hurm..missed him badly lah. Okay..tuka topic karang tak smile lagi…

Being one of the ‘beranda’ girls…’skod’-ing the house in front and the 112s..aah..kamu sdah ade awek ya encik-hero-di-kelas? Study dengan cik pinky, cik mick dan miss-free-soul. At least tak asek tido je kalo balik umah. (yeay!)

Mentor, Bro Q , Sis Fatin and Sis Anje replying my good luck mssgs for their UTS. (Some pathetic seniors just ignore them, you know). Mentor sangat chumils sbb kne pinjam hp membe utk reply. Ahaxs. Sis Anje ngedate sebentar ngan saye tuk pinjamkan her clinical medicine book. Thanxes….

My shayang-ness, Nana hawt mssged!!! Mish you! Jom laa hangout di JJ bln 6 neh. Mari2 ke seremban…( shayaaaang kamulaaa nana!!)

Shewa bushuk and 143 day.(obviously on the 14th of March) Kwazee tul mummy ku neh.Adeke tiap2 tgk jam akan eventually become the hour : 43 minutes. Ngee. =D

Budak chomel 1 dan 2 mnjadi budak senget 2 dan 1,respectively. And saye dipanggil super senior senget. Duh. Sabarjelaah. Mereka nie mmg chomel dan senget. Trust me. Hehee.

Makan2 toblerone and black forest chocs wif d beranda girls. Terima kasih Encik N***. Cukup sudah awak nak menggemukkan saye. How many times I refuse pun…it keeps coming…so? Melantak lah jawabnye… Lalala~ mekasih untuk satu tin hello panda tuh…lalala~

Tgk ‘flight plan(Jodie foster)’ punye CD. Since I never watch this movie, I tgkla..saspen aa.. huu..cuak2…jahatnyee Carson tu…sebbaek cik Foster sangat tabah. Ending yang best always made me smile!

Terbaca di blog along “cik Jennyto tak sdah2 dengan her idea nak kawen before mE” . haha. Gurau peeps. Saye tak sanggup dengan permintaan langkah bendulnya. Nak kete lah. Rumah lah. Uih. Habis gaji 5 tahun jadi dokter. Ahaks.
Lagipun mane ade calon…adakah? Hee…

Imran kate nak tumbuk ku (Jokingly). sbb saye gi kate/tipu die tak siap lagi report tutorial. Padahal yang tak siap hanyalah tak dapat sign tutor. LOL. Bukan saya suka ditumbuk. Tapi kelakar la cara die kate tu. Senget-ness!

Spent Rp. 100,000 on food stuff. Chocs, biscuits, and one thing yang kne abeskan cepat-- Roti with rich chocolate cream spread + loads of chocolate rice + heavy slices of cheddar cheese! Aaaah…sangat kenyang. Dahla satu loaf tu…buat on the spot @ Carrefour. (Yes,Medan ade Carrefour). Sape2 nak try leh aa..sangat kenyang…tak yah makan lunch, makan neh pun daa cukup. The cream spread tu buleh pilih, either nak chocolate, mocha or plain butter. Choose baby!

Found a house yang kinda jauh dari USU tapi tak berape jauh. Very near to MESS(Malaysian student punye center..x ingat it stands 4 wat). Senanglah jumpe Bro Q. Tidak. Senanglah Bro Q jumpe saye. Heh mahapin admirer2 BroQ di luar sane. Makanya saye gurau saja…. And bilik besar. Kitchen luas. And a plus a cute neighbour. Dah bersenyum2an laaaah. Haha. (Gedixxnyeh jenn neh!!!)

Keluar pukul 1pagi untuk temankan d SMA girls menonton futsal ‘live’ di Tasbi. Guys @ Sei Padang VS Guys @ Simpang Pos. Since these girls payah nak kua coz Charles somehow macam hape je kat derang ney, I temankanlaa(konon under adult supervision). Sebbaek ade Rinie and Azrin kat situ..siap bincang2 nak bwat persatuan budak2 garasi (him, me & acik , & Farid [since we all duk kt garage] ) and Azrin tak puas ati gaks so nak bwat team futsal wanita. Kah2 I so don’t play sports. Shopping tu leh kire sports tak???

Reading the Rp50,000 bahasa Indonesia book.(mahal nak mampus…wajib beli plak tuh..) “Bentuk perajin dan pengrajin sama-sama benar jika disesuaikan dengan konteksnya. Namun kata perajin* tidak dapat menggantikan kata pengrajin*, kerana belum tentu setiap pengrajin itu mempunyai sifat rajin, tentu ada yang malas.” !!!! hehehee....see what i have to deal with every Thursday morning??

“*-pengrajin – orang yang membuat barang-barang kerajinan, misalnya pengrajin rotan, pengrajin ukir.
*perajin – orang yang mempunyai sifat rajin.”

There you go~ tak sangke ku seorang yang ceria jugaks…haha…(mood dah elok sket laa ney) yeay! Emm kamu2 yang down with life di luar sane…cube2laa list out the good things in your life…you’ll be surprised how many good things bestowed on you that you take for granted before. =)

Ps- all quoted text are taken directly from Bahasa Indonesia untuk Perguruan Tinggi, by Drs. Parlaugan Ritonga, M.Hum.
Pps –all the gedixxness scene hanye memaen je.tak ade kene mengena dengan hidup atau yang tidak hidup. Saye mengedixx dgn die je. Yang bwat saye sengeh all day. =p (gag.gag.)

“Happiness is always there. You can only find it when you really appreciate the life given.”

Sunday, March 11, 2007

+.::.+ let's see +.::.+


kenape saye blogging?

sbb saye buhsan.

sbb saye tgh tunggu mase berlalu.

sbb saye da penat belajar.

sbb saye nak lepas geram.

sbb saye nk maen hint2 kat orang.

sbb saye 'showy'. haha.

kamu? kenape kamu blog/bace blog?

ps i got exams (community research program and indon language and loads of assignments and lab reports to be submitted...huu pray for my success...)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

+.::.+ dini part 2 +.::.+

gosh this is the 1st time the MEU (medical education unit) gave us a continuation case for a new part of tutorial..

Pemicu : Lima belas tahun kemudian, Dini datang ke RS (Rumah Sakit) dengan keluhan 2 bulan terakhir ini merasakan badannya semakin kurus sehingga pakaian yang digunakan sehari hari makin longgar. Selain itu Dini juga merasa lemah dan mudah lelah walaupun dia meyakini makanan yang dimakannya banyak. Dia tidak mengetahui dengan pasti apakah keluarganya pernah mengalami keluhan yang sama, tetapi ayahnya meninggal di usia muda.

Apa masalah yang terjadi pada Dini sekarang?

Info tambahan : BP: 120/80mmHg, denyut nadi 76x/min. sering buang air kecil, sering merasa lapar...p/s kami tgh belajar diabetes mellitus..kah2.

i've done crying peeps..but my mood is still trux lagi. but better. better.

Monday, March 05, 2007

+.::.+ aftermath +.::.+

well i never tot a 20 year old person cud cry badly. now i know, even adults cry.
I cried sooo badly last nyte till my eyes were swollen like what and take 3 phone calls and 4 hours to recover.

and i also got my answer for the question "what would you do if the only person that can make you stop crying is the one making you cry?"

you just go back to them. no matter how i tried not to bother that sum1 anymore, no matter how hard i tried to stay away from matter what, in the end it is always him who can make me smile and feel everything is allright. the glorious thing about friendship that you couldn't find anywhere.

I miss the spactees terribly and i never knew it could affect me deeply. It seems like they are now are part of my family, as real sisters. Sangat rase tak complete when they are not around. Thanks dinie shewa and pika for layaning me thru my bad times. I'm making a countdown to 10th of April!!!

I also miss sum1 yang usually makes me 'excessively happy'. But I often want to stay away from him coz I feared that I might me the one who's heart will be heart-broken. Well sekarang pun dah sedih cam hape. But last nite cam selesaikan everything,melepaskan all my frustration..I know i'm not a good listener..that credit shud go to this person. Sorry kaco kamu jek. Tak sudah2 menyusahkan kamu.

No matter what happens kan...our family will always be there for us...our susah and senang...
along..sangat thank you melayan adek kamu yang perangai tak menentu sjak datang ke indon yang unstable ini...umie and ayah pun...I know i've asked for it..well-deserved kan..haha.

well. how do you like my new easily-picked-out layout? ahaxs.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

+.::.+ the el nino situation +.::.+

i had a terribly ruff week,well almost every one are. but i'd like to call my ruff week as an 'el-nino' week. yes.
el nino had occured. here right smack in my face. to me.

E. Enuff-wif-people-syndrome. Why are my Indonesian classmate are terribly noisy?? Can't they keep quiet? Every chance they get, they would make a intolerable noise. and I do mean EVERY chance they cud get. Ugh. Enuff with them. Also enuff with my housemates yang tah ape kene ngan diorang...baek bile diperlukan je. Siap x mo kawan si dia ni lah, si dia itu lah. Huh. Miss UIA where everyone is accepted as who the person is.
L. Lost. My precious pink payung. ugh. kepanasan dan kehitaman dan kepeluhan la ku lepas ney...and also..I felt like I'm losing sum1..I just been thru a lot alone, and I'm sure he's been thru something not quite similar,but also hard times..but I just cant take the silence times of not heard-ing anything from him. I..don't know what else to say.

N. N***ah. The name of a 2nd year senior yang tibe marah I kat cafe. \('_#) Accusing me of something SHE doesn't know. and better yet,she's the SAME AGE as me, but humbly, I said ; "akak,begini sebenarnye..". To blab all about her here is an awesome thing to do, but I don't do that. And one more thing, pray for me that those intelligent people don't know how to access this blog OR they don't have time to browse till they accidently stumble upon my friendster page. LOL.
I. Inbox. My handphone inbox. I thought I've deleted all HIS messages that used to make me smile, but somehow magically, there's still some more. When I accidently read them once again, I feel...urm...kinda miserable.I totally hate that feeling.
N. N**m. Another name, different gender. I thought he's so over me. i never knew that it just got worse. Imagine you being on his wallpaper. SCARY! I really cant take it anymore. Of all the clear signs I gave him, why he never take it? Leave me already!!
O. Ouse. or house. Achik just can't never gets me these days. I always end up feeling annoyed,coz I cant say what I wanna say. You know I just cant keep myself from saying what I wanted. To tell you the truth I cant just pindah to a new house with her alone, she and I are the worse decision maker ever, and when I dah tebalkan muke asking people to pindah with them, achik said she just couldn't possibly make friends with them. okayyy. whatever. I dah tebalkan muke banyak dah to carik rumah, and ah. malas tul!

So there. I just really cant wait for march to be over. Bila April tiba...pika ngan dinie pun tiba...yeay!!!

Alright enuff with bad news kan...highlights :
  • nice SUMATIF marks v(^o^)v
  • new tote bag-indon style
  • someone trying to cheer me up day in day out. thanks
  • downloading switchfoot bootlegs (click here to check it out, foot amigos~even switchfoot themselves thought it's cool, as they are only producing 100 bootlegs after each gig)
  • korean fantasy. someone persuade me to watch this. the fantasy-love-story-thingy. I dont like them much actuall, coz they are too far from reality, but still can't help smiling when the hero and heroin are finally together. \(^o^)/