Monday, July 09, 2007

+.::.+ a never ending story +.::.+

it's been exactly one week since my last entry.

and lots of things had happened.

let's just put it that way.

and yet lots of things that should be done by today,
had failed to be carried out.

huh. i'm so lazy ryte now~

hepi start kuliah to most of my fwens : spactees, miya, azkeey, keq, muiz.

hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~buhsanlaa saye :p
humph. saye update besok je la.
xde mood betoi.

pade kanak-kanak di luar sane : tolong cari duit dengan care yang halal.
elakkan membuli dan memeras ugut. besar sok nak jadi ape haa? tsk3.

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