Thursday, October 30, 2008
+.::.+ need to be strong +.::.+
terlalu lama i let myself hanyut begitu sahaja.
semalam this jennyto girl sentap.
macam tu je.
eventho no matter how much i love u.
even if i were to destroy myself, let me do it myself.
i dont need help in destroying myself.
im a pro at that.
i miss the times when decision are made by me.
not influenced by others.
not influenced with the happy tots of being with u.
and destroyed the next minute.
kenapa tak belajar....
thank u as for the reminder.
but what hav i done so far?
notakaki : jennyto bercinta?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
+.::.+ here's y +.::.+
last minute study.
emo tak tentu hala.
heard this song over along's blog:
Harapan itu senjata yang paling merbahaya buat sekalian umat manusia
Seperti jarum beracun yang membunuh senyap
-Askar by Wani Ardy.
i think she rocks.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
+.::.+ tebongkar! +.::.+
hu :)
now im single again haha!
maaf pada semua yang tertipu
saya hanya bekerjasama ngan MatematisMuda selama ini.
Monday, October 20, 2008
+.::.+ tagged +.::.+
kalo de mase i'll do yg dolu-dolu berabad kurunlamernye tuh.
i was tagged by szakif and master J, both tagging me with the same set of questions.
here we go!
Every question is referring to 1 person.
1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
Big ideas
Kedekut at times
Awesome friend
3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
Manyak suda...
4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
secretsecret. sheepish smile.
5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
7. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on...
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
aha...! :p
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
confused. lol.
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
dunno. dun care.
12. The character of you for yourself is?
Character? Macam powerpuff girls tu buleh? :p
Thinker. Cheerful on the outside.
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Not be able to express myself correctly.
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
Wiser, more rational. Less emotional.
15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
You guys rock! lol.
16. Ten people to tag:
1. aimi
2. aliaa
3. kukiluv
4. nadia
5. alynn
6. fizul
7. nadiahib
8. dewi shura
9. dafrosty
10. as--> hehe jgn mara erk.
17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
definitely a female!
19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
haha! i guess..
20. How about no. 5 and 8?
huhuu friends sudaey!
21. What is no. 1 studying about?
22. Is no. 4 single?
are u...nadia? huhu
23. Say something about no. 6
my fren back at sktpj!
done! huhu!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
+.::.+ danau story! +.::.+
imagine, sampai-sampai je Medan, hearing Iela said, "jom gi Danau Toba sok?"
I was like, "urm..owh....kay...."
so the next day, setelah ketibaan umie dari Malaysia,
kitorang try to persuade her to come as well,
tapi Umie just said, "malaaaaaslah.."
then off we go, a 5-hour drive.
with kaklong Iela, Fara who was in the same flight with me,
Nisah, and Achiko!
sampai2 sana..cari hotel yang ekonomi-ekonomi sket.
al-maklumlah...kami ni bukannye berduit sangat...
ni la hotel kami nginap semalaman.
i was this close to the nelayan! hehe.
After that was our mandi-mandi session..sejuk bangatt airnya!!!
MatematisMuda, kalo tahan sejuk, marilaaaaaaah! :p
Malamnya, kami yang kebuluran ni pun pegi survey kedai-kedai makanan.
We end up choosing one kedai yang look exactly like the others. (?)
We just simply take the one where it is (1) convenient to park. (2) not a batak restaurant.
The food was awesome. Or maybe I was hungry. Either one, I did taste what they called "Ikan Danau" and it was simply succulent!
The next morning, after another mandi-manda session, we went to Tomok and Tuk-Tuk.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
+.::.+ raya, finally! +.::.+
i got to spend some time updating this bloggie!!
(baru abes satu paper semalam)
Raya was an exciting period of time, but sadly we all only have, like, 5 days to celebrate it since on Monday, its kembali-ke-sekolah time.
I tried to make most of my time by raya bagai nak rak, eventho puase takdela rak sangat..meja je.. :p lame joke.
Di pagi raya haruslah ade sesi bermaafan, and setelah 2 tahun tak buat mende ni rase kekok lak jugak,
(ade ke rase tanak balik tahun depan so buleh skip part maaf-maaf ni?? ai cuak a nanges2 ni huhu)
and since along da kutuk-kutuk adek beradek die cam haram :p
i wonder makeup saper cair giler sebab nanges hoho
ape? janji akan kawen tahun ni?
bilik pengantin da occupied la huhu.
along tried her best not to cry hehe.
muh famili n baju raye huhu
muh fam wif wan n oyang (eh adik ngn abang tah ilang mane..)
the intelectual guys yg men chess on raya day. wuteff?
and rayer or not, hols are time for me to catch up wif friends, tak sah kalo tak gi beraya wif my laling, cikgu edyla kiter!
it was a pleasure to meet cik Ruky and misz Azie as well, teringat zaman-zaman dulu how close we are and I'm glad we still somehow manage to keep in contact.
No thanx to jennyto yang hanya reti contact diel je :p
sorry guys, kepale jennyto, macam ni lah.
and since my flight is on Sunday noon, I cant go anywhere on the Saturday, packing tak settle lagi, how maaa?
I kinda pakse my two besties to bergabung (cayalah!) to come over to my house all the way from kAy El. can't say how much kehadiran u guys to me haha sentimental plak.
dins + me + keQ
D : ko la..masuk jalan tu..sesat dah!!
keQ : aku rase kt situ...nak wat camne..
me : uhm... :p
and I also kinda pakse this two very beauutiful friend of mine untuk bertandang ke rumah hehe.
a lot of gossip eyh daney n mizah..hehe..
they were my elementary school friends, now all grown up! hehe :D:D
with future plans for meeting up again (when one of us is married? whoah!)
amazingly, even dah tua-tua ni (ewe, tua?) I now know how to collect duit raye even tho dah tua bangke (cam along)
1. gi beraya umah sepupu-sepapat/bestfren wan/arwah atok
2. gi ikut ayah/umi pegi beraya umah kawan-kawan diorg.
along suke ar tu dapat duit raye hehe
goofing around Uncle Tajri's house. yang bagi duit raye tu lah hehe.
and tahu-tahu je, it was time for my flight and the end of my hols (really jennyto??)
thank u along for evrything!!
quite a raya for me eventhough agak kecewa tak dapat jumpe matematismuda yang jauh...
and tak sempat membantai makanan-makanan selain makanan raya.
50 minutes later, i'm back n MEDAN!!!!!!!!!!!
me + fara + iela + nisah @ ayam penyet
achik is sumwher between me n fara, sorry aciko! this is my attempt at self snap, jeles kt along yg hebats hehe..
balik-balik je my housies ajak gi makan ayam penyet...hee.. n sumwhere else....
to be continued....
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
+.::.+ offline +.::.+
along wud say.
internet di rumah Medan ade problem sket.
huh........tgh kt cc wat assignment later y'all!
byk kisah danau haha nak diceriterkan :p
Friday, October 03, 2008
+.::.+ coz dat's the time +.::.+
im busy celebrating hari raya aidilfitri joyously.
and am busy fulfilling my numbered days in Malaysia.
kenny x dapek lagi ni!!!!!!
when i boarded the plane on the night of 25th september, i was full of missions.
missions dat has to be carried out in 10 days.
missions not including celebrating hari raya.
wut laa jennyto!!!!!
out of the long list of things needed to be done.
only 4 are carried out.
with 2 from the 4 will only take place tomorrow.
a sudden insanity takes over me.
maybe sebab perut kosong lagi and am bummered tak makan kenny lagi
secret recipe pon belum
tapi dapat duit raye harini.
bile jennyto is back in a sane state.