Monday, December 29, 2008

+.::.+ tagged +.::.+

saye lupe. hari itu saye ditag oleh teman blogging along, yang diberi nama AJ a.k.a caNNyGurl.

huhu terime kaseh.

kerana dalam kebosanan saye di Medan ni, dapatlah saye membuatnye
tahniah, anda mentag saye di mase yang betol!

1. Anda rasa anda hot??
ape punye soklan...medan ni biler je sejuk...pastila ai rase HOT. lol.

2.Upload gambar kegemaran anda

3. Kenapa anda suka gambar ini?
aderlaa reasonnye..huu sy hav fun pade hari ini dengan orang tersebut..hurmmmmmm.
wek wek there goes my happy ending.

4. Bila kali terakhir kamu makan pizza?
semalam! kat papa ron! hee teringin lagi lah..nak rase island plak!

5. Lagu terakhir yang kamu dengar?
have a little faith in me - mandy moore!

6. Apa yang anda sedang buat sekarang ini selain menyelesaikan tag ini?
dengar lagu kat iTunes + chatting ngan bdae girl illani

7. Selain nama kamu sendiri, apakah lagi nama yang kamu suka orang panggil kamu?
jenn + jennyto + jenny + janet (ni wani je yg panggil camneh)

8. Tag lagi lima orang
i. fizul yang suke tag orang..mari tag die balik...
ii. danios! huhu meh2 buat tag..
iii. alang-alang sume dak SKTPJ dulu, tag la jugak nadeetos yang jauh di Troy sane!
iv. saye nak tag dewi shuwa lah...tak penah kot tag dier lagi...
v. saye winduuuuuuuuuuu aimi!! teman USU sayer...

9. Siapa orang nombor satu?
kawan saye time skola rendah dulu

10. Orang nombor tiga ada hubungan dengan siapa?
emm BFF danios!! kan..? kan..?

11. Katakan sesuatu berkenaan org nombor lima
die ni kawaii!!! gi la lawat blog dier huhu!

12. Bagaimana pula dengan orang nombot empat?
saye leh kate confidence level die tinggi! huhu...

13. Siapakah orang nombor dua?
danios!! kawan yang best dari skola rendah wuwuwuwuwuuu~

p.s-otak orang cuti..nampak mindless giler~

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

+.::.+ so here comes the doom lol +.::.+

I was about to delete this post cause I felt so helpless in not helping my family n all n kinda regret not coming home.
but then, by not coming home, that means less money to spend, and more money for the fees.
Alhamdulillah JPA now discovered that they dont cover enough gor our fees.

I'm worried about things at home and I haven't talk to anyone about it.
but I dont know why I even wrote it here.

I. just. dont. like. it.
the idea of people knowing how you are and family n so on.
its okay for me to huhu haha about here n there but i dont usually talk about my feelings, if u noticed.

but then, i seriously hadnt talk to anyone at all about this.
how my feelings are exactly.
lets keep it that way.

so today was the day of the holidays that the last flight from medan embark from bandara polonia.

and last night was Fara's flight, and she was the last person from our house to leave for the hols.

it was kinda sad actually, eventho there are some things that cant be explained happened, I truly enjoyed being with you guys and do other stuff apart from studying.
(i know i'm beginning to sound like a L-O-S-E-R but whaddaheck)

balik from the airport, rase sunyi Medan ni.
kan, Uda?
well, Uda said it is normal in the beginning, especially when people started to go back n stuff, but it'll be okay. lucky me, Iela wud be around.

saye, iela n fara yg berbaju langsir hehe tgh tunggu flight yg delay
sambil menibai croissant kat dunkin donut!

the past few days had been fun, watching movies, dining and hanging out. Wif Iela, Fara, Aki Aneh hehe, Intan, Syaza, Aciko, Nisah...and yang laen2..maaf tak sebut kalo tak tersebut. surely highlights of my hols wud be these days!! (lame-O, i know)

tgh makan pizza hut dengan syaza, aki, iela, farah, n uda n apip tapi jennyto-saket-perot-nak-mati.
thanx kawan2 yg membantu...

dengan intan faDiLLah hehe n nisah di palladium!!~

aKi tgkap gamba neh..tgh tunggu tgk twilight utk 4th time huhu

anyway for the hols, I've got these two things I have to attend to.
No thanx to Iela for agreeing lol,
saye takut jage2 hewan ni...
I have to decline Mumtaz's rabbit n Abbi's mamot coz I'm afraid banyak banyak nant tak terjage huhu sowwy guys.

moCca & eLi

so guys, happy holidays from me, hope u have a great one! I miss u all~

owe..saye rindu juge orang2 yang saye usually ketemu during my holiday.
D. & rest of spactees.
my recent lifesaver.
kamu2 lah!!!!
take care, xOxO!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

+.::.+ how I end up at J.Co +.::.+

freaking out for i've dropped another size for my waist.

tak cukup makan kah aku?
makanan ku tak berzatkah?
terlampau banyak exesais ke aku?
terlampau stress kah aku?

actually the main reason for trying the jeans was to buy it, as an antidote for my already messed up feelings.

tapi oleh kerna my new size was not available, i wasn't able to.


so i went to J.Co.

with a glazzy & chocomint freeze, my feelings are better than before.

eventho rase cam loser gler layan J.Co sorangsorang.

JENNYTO EMO EMO EMO sume orang balik hari ne tapi takde orang pon nak enjoy enjoy

Saturday, December 20, 2008

+.::.+ post twilight +.::.+

[WnDs]Si_Jali (12/14/2008 10:56:59 PM): aku nk bg ko tgk ayat aku ni
[WnDs]Si_Jali (12/14/2008 10:57:02 PM): meyakinkan ke x
[WnDs]Si_Jali (12/14/2008 10:57:40 PM): ala ko guna ym
[WnDs]Si_Jali (12/14/2008 10:57:44 PM): jap aku antar ke fs ko
jenn_me86 (12/14/2008 10:58:31 PM): huhu pulak
[WnDs]Si_Jali (12/14/2008 10:58:33 PM): dah 3 minggu x msk fs..
jenn_me86 (12/14/2008 10:58:40 PM): haha aq pon
[WnDs]Si_Jali (12/14/2008 10:58:46 PM): ko la 3 minggu x msk fs
jenn_me86 (12/14/2008 10:58:54 PM): eh ye ke hehe
[WnDs]Si_Jali (12/14/2008 10:59:04 PM): ok dah sent

so what if i hadnt log in to friendster for 3 weeks.
please abaikan betape blurnye saye dlm ym.
i think i had enough of Twilight than anyone else.

I had enough??!
I dont think so.
The Cullens are just so delicious to look at. And I totally heart Jasper!!
I know everyone else had done the review of the movie, but whaddaheck.
I think the movie hadn't develop the characters strong enough for the people to love them for it
( I bet the director think good looks are all that matters )
Bella was supposedly to be all clumsy and all that, but she just trip on something, like, 3 times.
And the movie should show us more of the Cullens, how they are actually, coz I know people cant get enough of them, i know i cant LOL.
The music that played throughout the movie was fine.
Claps for Paramore, Iron and Wine, Muse, and The Black Ghost.
But for the music that was supposed to be Edward's piece was not so great.
It ddn't fit the scene, it didn't sound beautiful.
LOL. macam pro.

despite all that comments, sape lak kutu yang gi tgk movie ni sampai 4 kali kan....?


anyway, happy weekend y'all!
May you have nice weekend in Malaysia (or in Medan, call me up n we'll set something up!)

this is for along : pisang bakar.

Friday, December 19, 2008

+.::.+ wut do u think +.::.+

i was thinking to blog about the unexplained addiction to facebook.

or the unexplained reason of my recent cinema-watching behaviour.

or even my examination results.

but then, suddenly an awful pain struck and i think...

later only lah.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

+.::.+ start memblog kembali +.::.+

ye saye dah berjanji ngan diri saye akan lebih memblog kini exam dan segalanya telah selesai.

huhu well for the past few days, i've had several outings with those ppl who will be in Malaysia very soon. a.k.a semua orang. lol.

yess, jennyto tak balik coz she love medan so much.

i'm enjoying every bit of it, cz i know when they all had went back, it sure will be boringg n sunyi ( n i can blog more cz i have so much time then :p )

us. achiko is on the other side, with her aikido fwens

seriously i havent got the mood to blog yet, i rather play pet society on facebook lol.

tgh tunggu farah addicted to it plak.. heheh..

Sunday, December 14, 2008

+.::.+ kenapa saya dah lame tak blog? +.::.+

  1. sebab tengah final exam

  2. sebab terkadang internet cam mengong

  3. sebab saya takde idea

  4. sebab sebok sgt bace blog org sampai terlupe nak update blog sendiri

  5. sebab saya melayan facebook

  6. sebab saya hidup in the real world :p

  7. sebab saye bosan da tgk blog saye ni. nanti lah cuti saye nak tuka template sume kasi revamp sket. ungu putih ni sungguh bukan saye! uhh!

(macam tag plak rasenye. ade sape-sape ke nak bwat? lol. pathetic gler.)