Saturday, September 29, 2007

+.::.+ 2909 +.::.+

happy birthday ayah~

i meant to upload some editted pics, and put on some nice words.

but then,
1) the connection start to bengong on me
2) i figure out that he would not read this entry

so, just wait for my card to reach our home sweet home.


on Wednesday we had our last exam, and on Thursday, our new block had commenced.
entitled Growth and Development.

i was so mad at the MEU people for not giving us any break. nak juga dipulun-pulunkan otak kitorang ni sampai giler agaknye.
but being a good student, i came to class as usual, trying to absorb knowledge as much as i can.

little did i know.

my body didn't want to.
the very next day, it had decided to be sick.
i had an uttermost unpleasant headache, which ends me up,

1) not going to class
2) bwat holiday break sendiri
3) tidor sepanjang hari.


till then.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

+.::.+ of sleeping & fasting +.::.+

finished exam already.

balik. terus flat.
macam dah telan sebotol ubat tido.

my sleeping time had been irregular these days,
due to the examination period, nonetheless.

eversince becaming a medical student, I was forced to hate sleeping.
tidur 5-6 jam sudah.
kalo terlajak sket, mulelah rase teruk giler, dah waste kononnye 'precious' time.

but sebenarnye mende ni is soo not good for health okay.
physiologically, our body do need adequate rest to regenerate.


kalo asek tido je?????
(pandai-pandai pikir sendiri laa)

other than that, sedar tak sedar,
dah lima belas hari we are in the month of Ramadhan.
kalo orang yang excited nak raya, akan seronok, sebab,
lagi lima belas hari je nak raya.

nak cerite some stories on fasting here in Medan.
what are things that makes Medan,Medan..and Malaysia, Malaysia.

1) they have wake up calls.
around 3 a.m (subuh here is around 5a.m +/-), we could hear from nearby 'surau's and mosques, the person in-charge will shout,
" Sahur!! SAHUR!!!SAAHuur!! Bangun Sahur!! "
and some more words that I could barely understand, due to my laziness to wake up.
this shouting will usually go on for about an hour.

2) thay usually make the 'terawih' longer.
I don't really know if this only happened in the surau in front of our house, but when we all wana 'chow' after the 8th rakaat, huhu, memang sangat segan laa.. :p

3) tv shows during sahur.
they have like these funny-lawak-bodoh shows during sahur, entitled, Saatnya Kita Sahur. I even wonder if anybody cares to watch them....obviously not me!!!!

hu. till then, I wish all Muslims out there to 'haiya 'ala falaah', lagi-lagi now in the month of Ramadhan, bulan yang penuh dengan keberkatan.. banyakkan bersabar.. :)

"renung-renungkan, dan selamat beribadah...."
(rindu dengar Hot FM punye tazkirah)

Monday, September 24, 2007

+.::.+ of people's favourite +.::.+

albeit i'm having exam now,

my mind do need rest,
and my blog, do need some updates.

except dat, today, i'm not feeling very kuzco-like.

but alhamdulillah, today i went in and out of my exam hall with full PD and insyaAllah everything would turn out fine. Just believe in qada' n qadar..hee :)

since dapat access to the world from my pretty but messy little room, macam-macam happenings i dapat, and tak lupe jugak dapat catch up wif few friends yang i dah lamer gile tak tahu ape cerite, sebaek u guys still alive..hehee.

the brutal news of Nurin Jazlin's murder memang patut be a lesson to all of us. either to parents (without accusing Nurin's parents being careless okay!) , to the childrens, to our community and to the government. Malaysia is not that safe anymore, dah banyak history of children murders.

another news, told to me by a fwen (",), involving a newborn baby at the Tunku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital, and an infected arm.

huh. now back to local news (?) hehe..

dinie, i've done wut u ask me to do.
check out the hottie of the day. hehe. '
cept that he's not my type lah.
he's handsome, memang tampan.
tapi not my type of guy i wud drool over! hehe. he's SOO yours.
so who's the guy?



and besides checking out dins's hottie of the week, i also check out fizul's girl of dream.

ueto aya.

or aya ueto.

whteves. huhu.

her singing is not bad though. ade 2 lagu ni je yang berjaya memikat hati ku, worthwhile dengar untuk 2 weeks. heh. i'm really not a fan of these japan-korean-chinese-wutever, tapi tak laa sampai anti. huhu. her songs entitled "Yume no chikara" and "Zatch belll" okaylaa...

huhu..saye lagi suke dengar lagu-lagu raya!!

that's it love yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~

Saturday, September 22, 2007

+.::.+ of headache and public speaking +.::.+

1st of all,
i would like to congratulate umie, a.k.a si budak depan bilik,
sebab berjaye mendeal dan meyetup internet di rumah we all ney..huhu
(tak lupe juge abang speedy-yg-semoga-kau-lupekanlaa-friendster-aku-tuh)..
terime kasih umie!!! dengan ini, makanya i don't have to susah-susah pegi cc/warnet lagi...

wayar-wayar yang belum dikemaskan

2ndly, saye sangat laa nak meminta pertolongan orang-orang yang diluar sane yang hebat dalam public speaking untuk mengajar saye untuk membina level PD saye...sebab lately ni asek merudum dengan teruknya...nasebbaek time tak ramai orang. hu~

3rdly, saye nak tido lah. later la update. :p

Thursday, September 13, 2007

+.::.+ a long,long update +.::.+


since dah lamer x update, makanya panjanglaa kot cerite entry kali ni, ditambah2 dgn byk mende yg berlaku.

1) ganyang Malaysia????
sangat banyak desas desus suratkhabar Indonesia yang menyatakan ketidakpuasan hati baik pemerintah mahupun rakyat Indonesia terhadap Malaysia, lagi-lagi bila pencetus kemarahan berlaku di Nilai akibat perlawanan karate beberapa minggu yang lepas, yang
kononnya akan menggugat perayaan kemerdekaan ke-50 yang gemilang tu. rata-rata artikel akhbar Indonesia melemparkan cemuhan-cemuhan yang tak berasas terhadap negara kita, tanpa sedikitpun menyedari kesalahan sendiri dan sikap arrogant yang berleluasa kat sini. hurm, apsal ade bunyi2 mcm nk tulis berita ni. hehehee...

2) upacara menaikkan bendera & other stuff...
upaca menaikkan bendera bertempat di konsulat Malaysia di Jl. Diponegoro alhamdulillah berjalan dengan lancar dengan saye dirumah memasak pasta goreng yang sedap sekali dan habis dalam sekelap mata, sate terpakse dilupekan, gara2 taknak jumpe GWC, n dgr cite diorg dpt cari
pengganti utk jadi MC for dat day..baguslahh..boleh pun!

3) majlis makan malam sempena kemerdekaan Malaysia ke-50 dan ulangtahun PKPMI-CM ke-25
this event was postponed, due to security reasons. due to no (1) reason.
eventho my plan to dress rebelliously, i was forced by my housies to wear something 'traditional'. sgt x buleh blah event ni. sgt not-well-planned and organizing comitte sgt hancho.
of the committees who sangatlah macam malas nk kate byk....but all in all puas hati with how things turn up, just tak puas hati with somemembuang boreh je..last2 diorg yang enjoy banyak. huh. please lah people, belajarlaa menghargai mase dan orang lain..huhh..
all in all, ade gak aa orang yang mengatekan perasmian tu kewl.. aa?? ye ke?? sape ajk perasmian tuh?? hohoho...

perasmian crew. thanx y'all!



4) my handphone missing!! (gasp)
huh. sgt giler. tgh busy2, handphone lak hilang. dahlaa orang tu cekau kredit ku! sengalssssssssss!
all mode of communication terputus. huh. mmg malang aa. malas nk comment lagi pasal ni kecuali;
sape2 mcm murah ati nk derma satu handphone siler aaa..... tak memilih ngat, tapi kalo buleh nk sony ericssson yg flip kale pink tuh...
huhu apetah no model die...heee =D

5) PSKPM '07 a.k.a OSPEK M'sia.
giler penat. penat sgt. walaupun just jadi exco dokumentasi. dahlaa hujan dari pagi. tapi best giler aa sbb ade participants dr batch kitorg, (a.k.a budak2 depan rumah & YT girlss) macam klakar je laa..
huhu tgk junior2 ni..mcm2 perangai...x sangke jumpe 2orang ex-mzms plak rajen2 ek adek2...

with rins!


6) puase dulu baru raya!
dah Ramadhan!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pastuh Syawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pastuh jennito tak balik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
emm org kate kalo nak balik las minute mmg la payah, buleh pun nek tongkang je laa...huhu..
bulehke ni jennito? my 1st raye without my family!!!!! huu...semoge tidak lah sedih sgt...bln 12 pun tak lamer je pun lagi...kelip2 mate lepaslah 4 bulan tu...huhu....emm ps-ayah, duit raye still ade kan? bank-in je lah ek..hehee moge dapat hp raye!

7) jangokkah aku?
lasweek 3 orang kate aku jangok.tolong a. sgt tak okay. adakah? rase cam biaser mereka2 ni underdressed, sampai saye yg biaser ni pun trase over? i like to think dat way lah. huhu. kepada dalila, mumtaz dan naila : kamu pun jangok jugak!!!!!!!!!!
tapi these few daes saye sgt selekeh, sgt penat, and under influence of my physiologic changes of hormones. huhu. lari mak mertua if she look at me. hahaha.

8) persalinan normal!!!!
saye dah melahirkan baybeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heh. silap lak.
saye dah praktikum membantu persalinan normal....huhu..sgt kewl. skills lab yg kewl.
tapi payah aa time exam nnti nak hafal sumer step tuh..huu.....sgt kagum dgn ibu2...

9) sumative exam!
kelip2 mate dah hampir 2bulan saye menjadi 2nd year ni rupenyeh...exam pun da dtg...
aritu formatif punye marks..emm tak bagus pun...tapi orang lain pun lebih kurang je..hahaha...
tapi sgt teruja untuk beljar dengan lebih semangat lagi, untuk mengalahkan si 'dia' yang rupenye huiyoo! dan juga seperti biase, nak mengalahkan
achik, ataupun dapat same2 tinggi ngan achik. huhuu.... jom! dapatkan A! *winks*

stands for annual general meeting PM USU that will be held on this sunday. paling best sekali, takde pun meeting beforehand yang rase cam nk boikot je meeting ni...taulaa dah na letak jawatan...jgn aa sampai takde komitmen..takyah jadi presiden aa gini..huhu jgn terase a Bro Q, gurauan je!! :p saye pun merasekan nk meletak jawatan..bagi aa orang len..
huhu dah cukup popular untuk dibenci untuk tahun ni..hahahaha ayat tak hingat.

okay dats it. jennitopepito, melaporkan dari medan. selamat berpuasa y'all!!!!